earliest fajr time
Fajr time is later of the two. This is the time when many mosquescommunities use as the start time for Fajr and is technically described as the Astronomical Dawn. Every Morning Is Beautiful When We Talk To Allah First Fajr Islamisk صلاة الفجر written Al-fajr prayer which is called in Arabic Athan which reminds us that fajr prayer time has come and reminds us also that the worth of. . As an Islamic day starts at sunset the Fajr prayer is technically the third prayer of the day. Proven from this hadith. 1- The time for Fajr prayer lasts from the onset of the true dawn until the sun starts to rise. The second dawn is the white line that appears along the horizon. Weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable. However people should make sure that they pray Fajr early enough that if they. One is Subh Sadiq and the other is last 17th of the night. That is indicated by the reports of the times of prayer. The t...